Big News!!
Hey – guess what?
You can have your very own Leavelle Farms tote bag!! Our new cotton canvas bags are coming hot off of the press up at Green Pea Press in Huntsville, AL and we will have them available for you to purchase this coming Saturday for $10!
This bag will be great for taking your blueberries or produce home in, as well as for grocery shopping, carrying books, etc! And it will remind you year round where those wonderful blueberries in your freezer came from, right?
Green Pea Press is a local screen printing shop in Huntsville, Alabama where our custom design is being printed on these bags. Have you ever watched screen printing or do you know how it is done? If not, check this out. Or at least know that it means that every bag has been hand printed by one of the great team members in Huntsville. Why do we care? Quality and Local. The painstaking process of screen printing the way that GPP does it produces a high quality, long lasting print so that your bag is in it for the long haul! Also, Huntsville may be a little way from the farm, but that’s a lot more local than many options and we here at Leavelle Farms like to keep work in that state as much as possible!
From small business to small business to small business– thanks to Green Pea Press and our graphic designer MY Designs for your hard work and great products!